Saturday, March 5, 2011

important questions for 2

important Q of auditing
Chap 1. Introduction
1. Define & explain the term auditing?

2. What are the principles of auditing?

3. What are the objectives of auditing?

4. Distinguish between 
a) Auditing and Accounting
b) Auditing and Investigation

5. Write Short Notes on
a) True & Fair view
b) Different types of errors
c) Different Types of Frauds & Auditors duty
d) Window Dressing 

Chap 2. Classification Of Auditing

6. Write Short Notes on
a) Examination in depth
b) Continuous Audit 
c) Balance Sheet Audit
d) Interim Audit 
e) Internal Audit

7. Distinguish Between 
a) Internal audit & Statutory audit

Chap 3. Planning Of Audit

8. What are the steps to be taken before commencing of audit?

9. What is audit programme? What are its contents?
What are its advantages & disadvantages of audit programme? 

10. Write Short notes on
a) Audit working paper
b) Audit Note book

Chap 4. Technique & Procedure of Auditing

11. Explain the terms voucher? How would you vouch the following 
a) Rent paid
b) Receipts from debtors
c) Payment to creditor
d) Dividend income
e) Partners capital
f) Sale of investment 
g) Commission received
h) Cash purchases
i) Payment of salaries
j) Royalty paid

Chap 5. Verification & Valuation Of Assets & Liabilities 

12. What do you understand the term verification? What are its 
How would you verify the following?
a) Furniture
b) Machinery
c) Land & bldg
d) Investments
e) Sundry debtors
f) Patents & Trade marks
g) Goods on consignment
h) Bank balance
i) Cash in hand

Chap 6. Verification & Valuation Of Investments

13. Why stock valuation is considered to be an important aspect in 
Accounting? What are the objectives of stock valuation?

14. Write Short Notes on Procedure of Stock Valuation?

Chap 7. Internal Check & Internal Control

15. What do you understand by the term internal check?
What point should be considered while framing a good system of? 
Internal check?

16. What is test checking? What precaution is to be taken before? 
Applying test check?

17. Distinguish between 
a) Internal Check & Internal Audit
b) Internal Check & Internal Control

18. What do you understand by the term internal control? What are the 
auditors duty in the respect of the same?

Chap 8. Capital & Revenue Expenditure

19. What is Capital expenditure? What are the auditor’s duties in regard to that? 

20. What is Deferred revenue expenditure?

Chap 9. Depreciation

21. Write a Short Note on
a) Depreciation & Auditor duty
b) Straight-line method of depreciation
c) Reducing balance method of dep 
d) Insurance policy method
e) Annuity policy method
f) Machine hours rate method
g) Compound intersect method 
h) Mileage method
i) Revaluation method

Chap. 10 Audit of Limited Companies

22. What are the rights & duties of statutory auditor?

23. What are the qualifications of a company auditor?

24. When is the Special revaluation required for appointment of 

25. Under what circumstances the central govt. appoint auditor

26. What are the liabilities of company? 


its very helpful for me thnks for sharing....

March 18, 2012 at 12:42 AM


January 12, 2018 at 12:01 AM

Thanks you so much...sir

May 3, 2019 at 2:14 AM

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